p 06s75``rock on.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Holiday Homework!! ~

Hey ppl,

I've compiled a list of holiday hwk. If there are any mistakes, just post to tell. Enjoy your Holidays!! ")

Here goes:

1) Maths Lecture Test (T1W2)
- vectors tut 1 & 2
- all of integration
2) 3 promos exam papers in ivle (beginning of sch term)
3) Econs Hol Assgn - intro to macroeconomics
4) Bio Review test (first bio lecture)
- Genetics of virus & Bacteria
- Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic genome + Cancer
- Genetic Basis of Variation
5) Bio Assgn Tut - Genetic Basis of Variation
6) Chem Hol Rev Ex (T1W2)
7) Chem Carboxylic Acid and Nitrogen Compounds Tut
8) GP - Issues And Ideas

Lek Chia


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