p 06s75``rock on.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I have a lot to say to the class but it's kinda hard to express it.

The last major event of our JC life has ended, prom is over and our cameras are worn out from excessive photo-takings. So where do you go from here?

Where do we all go from here?

I'm going back to Canada next Monday, and I'll only be back next year. Then I'm going NS, 2 years of *$@#ing national service, and then it's off to University which would most probably be in Canada too. I suppose it'll be the same for most of you? Girls be finding some work first before going University in August or so, guys wasting time in NS and all.

Chances are, I'll hardly have any opportunity to see so many of you together again just like yesterday at Shangri La Hotel

Think back to the first time we met as a class. How did you feel about it? Were you in a 'OMG WHAT A GREAT CLASS I'M LOVING IT!', or were you in a 'Oh joy. People I don't know?'. Honestly I was feeling like shit when I saw the name list, coz I didn’t know a single person other than Yong which I hadn't really talked to in 2 years. Every one of my friends had their own group of people in their classes. Cept me.

Recall the first recess the class had. Can't remember? Of course you can’t, you probably, like me, immediately dash off to find your old friends and listen to them bitch about their class having only 5 girls while you console yourself privately, well hey at least mine has 15.

Again, think about the times when the people got knocked out of the class, WeiWei, Victor, Siyun etc. And the time when one came back. And the time when the 2nd Intakers entered and the class met all over again for the first time. How did you feel? What were you thinking then at these individual events?

Fast forward to the present, today. After everything we've been through as a class, through constant pissing Siva off sessions, faculty events, school celebrations such as MAF, all the sports events supported and performing arts concerts watched, the 'holy we did so badly for exams again (minus shueli/Claire) high five everyone beer's on me' times, the OMG A LEVELS ARE COMING panic times, the multiple studying sessions held just about everywhere in Singapore… I'll tell you what I feel, I feel immensely proud to have been from this class of 06s75. I don't give a damn if we're the worst in academics, sports, but all I can say is that this class has given me a hell of a time in the last 2 years.

When I think about it, these 2 years with you people has opened up many new worlds to me, opened my mind to so many things I've never though about. You people have enriched my lives so much (though not academically), you've made my JC experience so damn interesting. Let's face it, there's nothing in this world I'll trade for a class like this coz, well you get the point. Told you I don't know how to express it, but you get what I mean.

Did you feel sad when they announced on stage yesterday the end of Prom? Was there a twinge of tears in your eyes at that point? I can say I was fking sad at that point, coz who knows when I'll ever see you all again? The future is so shaky and unpredictable, who can tell? Times really passes by too fast, and soon the path we've traveled on together reaches a junction, and we all go our separate paths.

The only thing left to say now, is something I've never been really good at saying.

Thank you. For everything: the friendships, the good times, the sad times, the times when we all had so much fun and all.

To the bestest class I ever had: 06s75. I salute every one of you, and I wish you all the best in your futures.

See yall the next time I see yall.



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