p 06s75``rock on.

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Hello, I'm here to spam! :D

Happy Birthday Yuting!!

It's Friday again so yay! I'm going to visit my friend at Reinheim tomorrow because it's her parents' combined 100-years-old birthdays. Interesting right? I'm kinda anxious though; the train routes here are so complicated coz this country is so huge! I'm so going to get lost! :( MRT's so much more simple and straightforward!

Anyway, i shall blog about the people in my hostel today! There are people from really many corners of the world here. Sharing the same part of my floor are an Indonesian, a Chinese, Jordanians (?), a Korean and a few angmohs (i don't know where they come from! =/) 10 people live on my floor (which is the zero-th floor btw, they start from 0 here =.=) and we share a kitchen. Yea they're all very interesting people, and i've found out that koreans love singing a lot. I get to listen to free operas.. zzz... guess they're pratising their singing coz they're in Germany to study Music.

The people i mix more often with are the Chinese (who's my neighbour), the Indonesian, the 2 Singaporeans on the 2nd floor, 2 more Chinese on the 4th floor and 2 Japs on the 5th floor. We cook together pretty often, and go places. Cooking's very fun! Hahaha.

We made sushi last weekend.

Nice? :D

We went to a vineyard for wine tasting too last weekend.. got me a little drunk! We tasted 6 different kinds of wine. Not full glasses though. Phew.

Spot ur fellow countryman, chris seah!

This is where the grapes are supposed to be growing, but it's still not the grape-blooming season..

The beautiful countryside of Bad Dürkheim where the vineyard was.

Okay, time for bed. It's already 12:11am here!

And oh just a random pic:

<3, kityeng


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