p 06s75``rock on.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


hello people! (:

For the Econs booklet thing right, do you guys prefer to

1) buy a copy each
2) buy a copy and share with a few people
3) buy a copy and share amongst the whole class?

Okay, the third choice is quite unlikely cause Dr siva says he's gonna use the book for revision or sth, is it? Then we'll still have to photocopy using the classfund provided he tells us what pages hes gonna be using before the lesson itself, which is equally unlikely.

Then if you guys buy and share among a group of people, you'll still have the same photocopying problem! But if siva doesn't mind, it'll cut the cost loads, not counting the subsequent photocopying ones. Like if we share in groups of four, then each person only pays $6.60 each! Share in pairs also can so even if you didn't photocpy, you can share the book quite easily until you get to photocopy.

Buying a copy each costs a bomb and there are loads of MCQs inside which is useless unless you are planning to be ulta hardworking and do them all but the plus points are that you don't have to keep photocopying and you get to burn your own personal copy after As for extra satisfaction.

Oh, but I don't know whether Dr siva wants all of us to buy one copy each or whatever though . I msged him to check on Saturday but he's either - or - cause he didn't reply! grr. So I thought I'll just let you guys think and choose first until the golden reply comes /:

take care and see you all! (:


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