p 06s75``rock on.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

bye for the last time

hi everyone...its my first time blogging ever but yea its quite an appropriate time to do so now anyways. i'm leaving Spore for good in 5 hours time, and haven't really accepted the fact that i won't be staying here long term again amymore. but before i go, ya just wanna say some stuff to you guys.

firstly, its been great to be a part of 06s75. personally i feel its an amazing class cos all of us are so united and excited and enthusiastic all the time. and it seems all of us enjoy each other's company. i mean its just been 3 weeks that all of us came from different schools and backgrounds, but right now we seem to be really famaliar with each other. and how many people have their msn nicks as '06s75 rocks' or something along that line? its almost a handful!!yea the class spirit is just awesome. its kinda sad to be leaving so soon..and i haven't even spent one recess break this year kicking ball and not going to eat with the class unlike last year!

and i'll forever remember the great farewell dinner you guys organised on thursday, the games(esp the truth or dare thing) the candles the letters and all. yea and the liverpool jersey!! thanks alot all you guys for chipping in and for going down to buy it. the price tag is crazy for just a shirt like that-i usually buy it a few years later when the price falls, yea. and thanks for the cds. and the card seniors.

and the whole fashion show with dance with storm event. it was quite a success wasn't it? i mean we didn't really think we could get the costumes done up nicely and all-can't believe i still said about having 20 models initially:)and there was still the storm thingy where we were completely lost with still no rhythm and main tune whatsoever 2 days before the auditions. but wasn't the outcome of everything fantastic???and it was sorta fun along the way...it really brought the class together...esp siyun too cos she just came at that time. btw anybody wants to buy that guitarist-rocker cardboard excuse of a jacket from me? haha i'm not bringing it back with me...wait, think i threw it away on friday after the performance already. oh well it looked really good huh?

oh and i'll remember smurf for being the first ever person to say hi to me on friday when we just knew our classes

alright...so continue to be happening and enthusiastic whenever there are like class or fac activities alright, and all the best for the years ahead. i'll really miss you guys for such a memorable month spent here at HC, though a really short one.



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