p 06s75``rock on.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

updates for class outing tmr.

here are the updates from the prev posts:

1)pls bring more money because we might be eating at sakae
2)might be staying till quite late if u peeps want to watch the musical fountain(just inform your parents that we might)
3)anyone has a mat pls post a tag saying that u're bringing tmr thanks
4)Bring FOOOOOD everyone to snack on=)
5)no swimming..we're playing safe BUT
6)u are ensure fun in sea water+sand..so pls bring clothes to change and your bathing stuff if u want to bathe(advisable)
7)feedback if u all want palawan or siloso beach
8)tag if u all saw this post!

`organising comm.haha.


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