Hi 06S75ians! Well, I've finally been able to complete the new template in record time - 7 hours! Whee~ I'm just so happy. Okay, now let's move on. Please read this if you wish to post in the future, ok?
Oh, and sorry for the lousy header. That is the temporary one until we take a formal class picture.
1. Getting BoldIn order to make a font bold, you have to use the following tag: <strong>bold letter</strong>. And the result will be as follow:
bold letter. Just insert the word you want to bold it between the tags.
2. BlockquotingOh, and sometimes you want to quote something, for example, a speech, a news or anything else. What you need to do is just to insert the text between the tags <blockquote>Insert text here</blockquote>. This tag is very important, you know?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin pede. Mauris ut neque a ligula iaculis nonummy. Maecenas accumsan. Praesent elementum. Curabitur eget mi eget lacus tristique egestas. Cras nisl odio, malesuada sed, ultrices at, fringilla vitae, turpis. Morbi lorem justo, suscipit in, consectetuer et, viverra et, massa. Praesent diam. Aliquam nonummy aliquet massa. Mauris nibh magna, porta eu, condimentum a, mattis vel, tortor. Nulla nisl mi, rutrum eget, pulvinar in, viverra nonummy, justo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin pede. Mauris ut neque a ligula iaculis nonummy. Maecenas accumsan. Praesent elementum. Curabitur eget mi eget lacus tristique egestas. Cras nisl odio, malesuada sed, ultrices at, fringilla vitae, turpis. Morbi lorem justo, suscipit in, consectetuer et, viverra et, massa. Praesent diam. Aliquam nonummy aliquet massa. Mauris nibh magna, porta eu, condimentum a, mattis vel, tortor. Nulla nisl mi, rutrum eget, pulvinar in, viverra nonummy, justo.
Do the lower paragraph looks better? Yes, isn't it?
3. Uploading ImagesWell, things will get very complicated when you want to upload an image. Let's start from displaying the image on this blog. You have to remember (or copy) the full address of the image, for example,
http://www.yoursite.com/abc.jpg. After that, you'll need to use the following tag: <img src="[image address]"></img> Please remember that you have to close the <img> tag with the backslash - </img>.
About uploadint the image... hmmm I will teach you all later, ok?
[Edit]: Oh, I forgot to announce the official class email. Since gmail requires email address to exceed 6 characters, the email
06s75@gmail.com is the considered invalid by the gmail server. So, I've decided to make
06s75.06s75@gmail.com as the class email.
~ Terry the Teddy